Insect Collection Traps
from Sante Traps
1) Townes style Malaise insect trap $330, (approximately 6ft. long, 6ft. high). Click here for instructions to set up Townes style Malaise traps.
These are our most popular products, extremely lightweight (1 pound, 0.45kg) and they are designed to be suitable for most survey applications.
2) Two-headed Townes style Malaise insect trap $380, (approximately 6ft. long, 6ft. high).
These are useful if you want to know the direction insects are flying, e.g., where are they coming from, where are they going?
3) Malaise style Malaise insect trap (catches insects from 4 sides) $350, (approximately 7ft. high and 4ft. square).
Unlike other traditional Malaise traps, this product is lightweight and compacts well for travel.
4) Standard canopy insect trap with top collector only $380, (approximately 9ft. high and 4ft. square). Click here for instructions to set up canopy traps.
These products were invented by Sante Traps. They can act as traditional Malaise style Malaise traps, and have much the same design (collecting from 4 sides) but they can also be hoisted into the canopy to sample insects at any height. In general, traps positioned in canopies collect less biomass but weird and wonderful things are found.
5) Canopy insect trap with top and bottom collector $430, (Approximately 9ft. high and 4ft. square)
This is trap is similar to the standard canopy trap, but there is also a collecting funnel and bottle positioned at the bottom. It is very useful for arboreal Coleoptera but has limited value for other taxa relative to the standard canopy trap. If you are interested in insects that fold their wings and fall when they hit something this style may interest you.
Our standard traps are black in the lower half and white in the upper half. Some like to have the traps all black as this decreases their visibility and the likelihood that they will be vandalized. Townes (1969) demonstrated that an all-black trap was only very slightly less productive for Hymenoptera, but there are no quantitative studies for other taxa.
Collection heads:
Normally we use 500ml polypropylene bottles in the collection heads. Some insects with acute senses are reluctant to enter this rather confined space. To overcome this we offer 1-liter bottles. ($25 for this option).
All of our Malaise traps are available with a 10cm black border that hangs from the ventral edge of the roof. We noticed that many insects enter Malaise traps, fly around, see no place to go, and fly out of the trap. The black border acts as a deterrent to this maneuver. As the potential escapee flies down the roof of the trap and encounters the black border it gives up this line of escape and flies back into the trap (well sometimes). ($25 for Townes style traps, $35 for traditional Malaise traps and canopy traps).
6) Flight interception traps: These are primarily meant for Coleoptera and other flying insects that fold their wings and fall when they hit an unexpected obstruction. They are approximately 6 ft. long and 4 ft. high, but we are happy to modify these dimensions to satisfy customers. (Cost: $55)
7) Winkler collectors: This device is meant to separate organisms from soil and litter samples. It has four sample bags and extraction of organisms takes about 24 hours. $270
8) Mini-Winkler collectors: As above but with one bag to separate organisms. $160
9) Litter sampling bags: These are used in the field to gather litter samples, and transport them back to the site where the Winklers will be run. $25.
10) Litter sifter: A large sifter to separate large fragments from litter samples to provide a condensed sample for the Winkler collectors. $330
11) Field cages of all shapes and sizes made to order. Prices vary according to specifications

On the left is a canopy trap with collecting heads at the top and bottom. The standard canopy trap does not include the bottom collector. It looks much like the trap shown but the lower third of the trap is missing and the lengths of the middle panels are longer. The traditional or Malaise style Malaise trap is like the standard canopy trap but without the lower frame.
On the right, in the background, is a Townes style Malaise trap.
Click here to email us for more information or to place an order
We accept credit cards, checks, money orders and bank transfers. We also honor university purchase orders.
Sante Traps
Tel: (859) 420-9630 (Ask for Susana)